Annual Fund
Phyllis Hoyt Endowed Mathematics Chair
Founders Fund
Memorial Gifts
Norma and Alan Hill Memorial Fund
Retiring Teachers Fund
Susan Buder Horan Memorial Fund
Since its founding, Topeka Collegiate School has had a proud history of success in mathematics. A strong mathematics curriculum continues to be central to the TCS mission of preparing young people to succeed in advanced education and successful careers.

For all but one of Topeka Collegiate?s history, from 1982 through May, 2018, the math program has been virtually embodied by one person ? Phyllis Hoyt. Phyllis has guided a generation of students through pre-algebra, algebra and geometry; disciplines that form the basis of math study at the secondary level and beyond. Mrs. Hoyt?s students have consistently been the top mathematics students in high school and they credit Phyllis Hoyt.

In order to make sure our future students? achievement is not compromised, and to provide for a continuity of excellence, please consider giving to the Phyllis Hoyt Mathematics Chair Endowment Fund.
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